Multidisciplinary Evaluations
Multidisciplinary Evaluations
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) requires that a student suspected of being exceptional receive a comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation conducted by qualified examiners. Qualified examiners include pupil appraisal professionals certified by the State Department of Education and professionals from other agencies or in private practice. They include certified Educational Diagnosticians, Qualified School Social Workers, School Nurses, Adapted Physical Education Teachers, Speech/Hearing/Language Specialists, Speech Pathologists, Speech and Hearing Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Audiologists, and Certified School Psychologists.
Educational Diagnosticians
Educational Diagnosticians administer individual standardized test batteries, including intelligence, vocational, achievement, language, behavioral, and other tests to determine eligibility of students for areas of exceptionality. They prescribe diagnostic-prescriptive interventions for exceptional learners and use psychometric evaluations to develop Individual Education Plans.
School Psychologist
School psychologists help children and youth succeed academically, socially, and emotionally. They collaborate with educators, parents, and other professionals to create safe, healthy, and supportive learning environments for all students that strengthen connections between home and school.
School Social Workers
School social workers are the link between home, school, and community. As members of the educational team comprised of teachers, administrators, pupil appraisal staff, and parents, school social workers promote and support students’ academic and social success by providing specialized services.
Speech/Language Pathologists
Speech/Language Pathology Services include the identification and diagnosis of students with speech or language impairments. Pathologists provide speech and language services for the habilitation of communication. They are also responsible for providing counseling and guidance of parents, students, and teachers and initiating referrals to medical or other professionals.